Finding a part time or student job in Denmark can be hard if you don’t speak Danish. Many foreigners are interested in finding a job and typically the jobs where speaking Danish is required is quickly taken. In addition to that it is hard to find a flexible job where you can plan your work day yourself. But we can offer you exactly that. Read more about the job as a distributor right here.
Work near your home adress with this part time job
After filling in our application form we will take a look at it and see if we have the possibility to offer you a part time job. Here we take different things in concern among others where the nearest route is located. We want to be able to offer you a route as close to your home address as possible. This will make sure that the job is easy for you to manage. If you are interested in working further away than we recommend you can always talk to the manager about it.
Having a part time job close to your home is an advantage to many because it means that you don’t have to calculate transportation time to your work – instead you just go outside and start working. The newspapers and commercials for each distribution will be delivered at your doorstep or near the starting point of your route.
Get exercise while doing this part time job
The job as a distributor is one of the most flexible part time jobs, that you will find in Denmark. How your working hours will be – you can find information on here. But the most important thing to us is that you make sure that you keep within your deadlines. It is deadlines that we have agreed with our customers on. So if you can manage flexible working hours with a deadline we might have just the right part time job for you.
A flexible part time job
The job as a distributor is one of the most flexible part time jobs, that you will find in Denmark. How your working hours will be – you can find information on here. But the most important thing to us is that you make sure that you
keep within your deadlines. It is deadlines that we have agreed with our customers on. So if you can manage flexible working hours with a deadline we might have just the right part time job for you.
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